The MassAccess Board of Directors met on November 17, 2021, for their monthly meeting which was held at WinCAM in Winchester, MA.  The Board received legislative updates along with information on the Creator Awards.

The Legislative Committee reported that are awaiting a hearing date for S.2200.  The committee has been meeting regularly with State Representative Joan Meschino to discuss next steps for H.130 and S.2200.  As many know, H.130 had its hearing with the Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet, and Cybersecurity, however still awaiting a hearing date for S.2200 with the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy.  We will update the MassAccess Membership on when that will be happening, so look for that hearing date in your inbox and the forum.

The Events Committee is getting geared up for the Massachusetts Creator Awards at Laugh Boston on January 26th, 2021.  The deadline is coming up FAST, so don’t forget to submit on Film Freeway by December 1st.  Submissions are $50, but with our discount code for MassAccess, submissions can be $40 instead.  So be sure to email Nancy Albertson at for that code.  New board members will be announced at the Annual Meeting portion of the event, and that could be YOU.

The MassAccess Board of Directors is looking to fill at least one seat on the board for 2022. The length of initial board terms can vary from 1 to 3 years. If you have an interest in serving with this forward-thinking working board, please submit a resume and letter of intent to by December 31, 2021.  

The MassAccess Board of Directors will next meet at WinCAM on December 16, 2021, and we will summarize what went on shortly after.  If you have any questions about the Board’s actions or actions about this summary, please reach out to either President David Gauthier at or to Clerk Alex LaMarche at  We hope everyone has a safe holiday season.

Alex LaMarche, Clerk
MassAccess Board of Directors

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