The MassAccess Board of Directors met on Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, for their monthly meeting which was held virtually on Dialpad. Alex LaMarche was appointed the acting Chair of the meeting, and Katie Duval was appointed the Acting Clerk.
Nancy Albertson, MassAccess Treasurer, gave the board an update on where we stand financially at the end of the calendar year, noting any outstanding invoices. She and David Gauthier will be creating a 2022 budget which will be presented to the board later this month.
The Governance Committee is working with a local law office to update and amend MassAccess’ Bylaws. They are also adding and updating sections of the Policies and Procedures while simultaneously helping some member stations with understanding parts of their local policies and franchise agreements.
The Legislative Committee has contracted the Cohen Law Group to continue researching the Streaming Bill (S.2200), and plans to create a FAQ for Legislators who may have questions. Rep. Meschino also submitted a memo to the Advanced IT Committee about the bill, and answered some questions of the chair. She is confident that it will make it through this committee with a favorable recommendation by the first week in February. David Gauthier and Senator Lewis were also on an episode of Community Conversations with Ryan Boyd at Wakefield Community Access TV to discuss this bill. In other news, the Enterprise fund (S.1346) has received favorable recommendation and will move on to the Senate Rules Committee next.
The Communications Committee shared their plans for 2022: Creating a Press Kit, finding new ways to support our membership, and improving our Social Media and Newsletter.
The Events Committee is getting geared up for the Massachusetts Creator Awards at Laugh Boston on January 26th, 2021. 175 entries were submitted! Could YOU be a winner? Finalists will be announced soon. The committee also reminds members interested in joining the MassAccess board to please submit a resume and letter of intent to by December 31, 2021. New board members will be announced at the Annual Meeting portion of the event, and that could be YOU.
The board also wants to send a huge thank you to outgoing board member, Greg Dolan, who has served in various roles on the board for the last 3 years. His knowledge and expertise will be missed, and we hope to see him on the board again in the future!
The MassAccess Board of Directors will meet once more before the Annual Creator Awards in January, date TBD. If you have any questions about the Board’s actions or if you have questions about this summary, please reach out to either President, David Gauthier, at or to Acting Clerk, Katie Duval, at Here’s to a fantastic 2022!
Katie Duval, Acting Clerk
MassAccess Board of Directors